Smart Learning

Digital Learning

Sunday, October 6, 2024

Information Technology-Class-9 Unit-4-Chapter-1 (2024-25):

Information Technology
Unit- IV-Chapter-1 Entrepreneurial Skills

A. Multiple choice questions:
1. Business is an ______________activity.
a. social                    b. economic                c. political                    d. all of above
Answer: Economic
2. Generally, entrepreneurs fall under:
a. First category: those who make things happen.
b. Second category: those who watch things happen
c. Third category: those who are left to ask what did happen
Answer: First category: those who make things happen.
3. Innovation involves:
a. Application of new method of production
b. Using new sources of raw materials
c. Exploiting new market
d. All of above
Answer: All of above
4. Which of following is a function of the entrepreneur?
a. innovation        b. risk bearing                c. organizing and managing functions    d. all of above
Answer: All of above

Wednesday, October 2, 2024

Information Technology-Class-9 Unit-3-Chapter-5 (2024-25):

Information Technology
Unit- III- Chapter-5 Internet and its Applications

A. Multiple choice questions:
1. An interconnection of computers and enabled data and resource sharing, as well as communication is called:
a. internet        b. network            c. LAN                d. arpanet
Answer: Network
2. Full form of ISP is:
a. Internet service provider    b. digital subscribers    c. Telephone companies    d. digital network
Answer: Internet service provider
3. The ______ is an online system that organizes web sites in categories, by subject or any other schema.
a. search engine        b. web evaluator        c. web directory        d. crawler
Answer: Web directory
4. Which of the following is not a mailer program?
a.        b.                c.            d.
5. Internet norms and practices are referred to as:
a. net etiquette            b. Netiquette            c. internet culture        d. rules
Answer: Netiquette

Thursday, September 26, 2024

Information Technology-Class-9 Unit-3-Chapter-3 & 4 (2024-25):

Information Technology
Unit- III- Chapter-3 Basic Computer Operations
Chapter-4 Peripheral Devices


A. Multiple choice questions:
1. What is the first screen you see when you boot computer?
a. Desktop        b. BIOS settings            c. Office            d. Command prompt
Answer: Desktop
2. Which one is single tasking OS?
a. MS DOS        b. Windows                    c. UBUNTU    d. None of these
Answer: MS DOS
3. Which command is used to shutdown on Linux?
a. Reboot          b. Make                            c. Shutdown    d. None of these
Answer: Shutdown

B. Answer the following questions:
1. Name the operating system on your computer.
*You will write the name of the operating system that installed on your computer. Some examples are: Windows(Window 7, Window XP, Window 10), Linux,Unix etc.

2. Write down the partitions of the hard disk.
* You will write the hard disk partitions name from your computer.
Some examples are: Local Disk(C), Local Disk(D), Local Disk(F), Local Disk(E) etc.

3. Identify removable disks on the computer.
* You will write removable device name that attached with your computer.
Some examples are: Pen Drive, CD, DVD etc.

4. Write steps to restore any one file.
1. Click on recycle bin.
2. Right click on a file that you want to restore.
3. In drop down list click on restore option.

5. Write steps to empty recycle bin.
Answer: To empty recycle bin follow the steps:
1. Right click on recycle bin icon on the desktop.
2. Drop down list will be appear, click on empty option from drop down list.

6. Write names of any three programs/applications installed in your computer.
* You will write any three software's name that installed on your computer.
Some examples are: MS Word, MS Excel, MS Paint, Typing master, Antivirus etc.

Monday, September 16, 2024

Information Technology-Class-10 Unit-5(2024-25):

Information Technology
Unit- 5 Green Skills-II

A. Multiple Choice Questions:
1. ____________ is caused when natural or man-made disturbance disrupts the natural balance of an ecosystem.
a. Damage            b. Ecological imbalance        c. Natural disaster    d. Pollution
Answer: Ecological imbalance
2. The primary objective of sustainable development is:
a. Economic growth    b. Environmental protection    c. Social inclusion    d. All of the above
Answer: All of the above
3. Problem related to sustainable development is:
a. Lack of proper implementation of policies
b. Lack of financial resources
c. Conflict between immediate profit and investment towards sustainable technologies.
d. All of the above
Answer: All of the above
4. Almost ________ of the earth is made up of water.
a. 30%                 b. 3%                                  c. 70%                         d. 2.5%
Answer: 70%
5. A Green economy is one which is:
a. Low carbon    b. Socially inclusive        c. Both (a) and (b)    d. Neither (a) nor (b)
Answer: Both (a) and (b) 
6. According to the concept of sustainable development, the environment and development are ___________ issues.
a. Inseparable    b. Separate                        c. Independent    d. None of the above
Answer: Inseparable
7. How many sustainable development goals are given by the United Nations?
a. 18                     b. 17                                    c. 15                        d. 20
Answer: 17
8. Choose the option which defines sustainable development.
a. Taking care of future generations
b. Taking care of only ourselves
c. Taking care of ourselves and the future generations.
d. Well-being of all
Answer: Taking care of ourselves and the future generations.
9. Which organisation has made the sustainable development Goals?
a. United nations   b. League of nations   c. UNICEF      d. World Health organisation
Answer: United Nations

Sunday, September 8, 2024

Computer-Science-Class-8 Chapter-5(2024-25):

Computer Science
Chapter-5 More Tags in HTML

A. Tick the correct option.
1. In the list, each item is defined using the ________ tag.
a. <li>                b. <tr>                        c. <img>                d. none of these
Answer: <li>
2. Which of the following lists is also called bulleted list?
a. Nested list    b. Unordered list    c. Ordered list    d. none of these
Answer: Unordered list
3. Which of the following list is enclosed within the <ol> ........</ol>?
a. Nested list    b. Unordered list    c. Ordered list    d. none of these
Answer: Ordered list
4. In HTML, tables are created by using the _________ tag.
a. <table>        b. <p>                            c. <hr>                d. none of these
Answer: <table>
5. The ________ attribute is used to set the border colour of a table.
a. Align             b. Border                     c. Border color    d. None of these
Answer: Border color
6. Which of the following tag is used to end an unordered list?
a. </ul>            b. </pr>                        c. </tr>                d. none of these
Answer: </ul>

Saturday, September 7, 2024

Computer-Science-Class-7 Chapter-5(2024-25):

Computer Science
Chapter-5 More About Flash

A. Tick the correct option:
1. It is used to create or edit animations-
a. Library        b. Timeline            c. Stage                d. None of these
Answer: Timeline 
2. ____________ holds all objects that you create in Flash program.
a. Stage            b. Timeline            c. Library            d. None of these
Answer: Library
3. ______________ is the area where you create animation-
a. Stage            b. Timeline             c. Library            d. Property inspector
Answer: Stage
4. ______________ is the panel that displays the properties of the selected object-
a. Stage            b. Timeline             c. Library            d. Property inspector
Answer: Property Inspector
5. _______________ tool provides modifiers which allows you to close gaps in shapes outlines.
a.  Line tool    b. Oval tool              c. Paint Bucket tool    d. Brush tool
Answer: Paint Bucket Tool